Summer Pet Safety Tips

A small dog walking on a beach on a clear sunny day.

It's finally summertime! Here at All American Pet Resorts, our team is loving the opportunity to get outside and start enjoying our - and our dogs' - favorite summer activities. While the sun's extra energy allows us to spend more time outdoors, its peak hours can make us unbearably hot. Swimming, shade, air conditioning, and cold drinks become essential to helping us cool down. As hot as we may get, our canine and feline companions can get even hotter in the summer heat. Keeping your pets cool this summer is vital for their safety. In this newsletter, we're sharing some of the most important safety precautions to take as a pet parent amidst rising temperatures over the next few months.

Summer Pet Safety Tips

Dogs and cats can't tell you when they're hot, thirsty, or sunburned with words; it's your job as a pet parent to prevent these conditions and know how to identify their signs. Like most things in life, the sun should be enjoyed in moderation and with precaution. Keep reading for tips on keeping your pets safe throughout the summer.

Prioritize Hydration and Shade

Dogs and cats can become dehydrated very easily because their thirst increases much faster when they're hot. Make sure your pet always has access to clean water while they're inside the house, and if you go outside, bring a water bottle and a bowl and stop in the shade for water breaks periodically. Seeking shade is important because while many dogs and cats enjoy sunbathing, excessive exposure to direct sunlight can lead to heatstroke. Know the signs of overheating: heavy panting, dry gums, thick drool, vomiting or diarrhea, and wobbly legs.

Never Leave Your Pet in the Car

Did you know that leaving your pet in a turned-off car when it's hot out is illegal in 16 states? Cars can heat up so dramatically that after only 10 minutes, your pet can develop heatstroke. Be sure to take your pet with you wherever you're going if possible, or leave them at home with the air conditioning turned on. If you see a pet left alone in a hot car, try searching for the owner as soon as possible or call the police.

Protect Against Pests

Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes are rampant in the summer months. These parasites carry diseases like Lyme and Bartonella, as well as tapeworms and heartworms. When they take up residence in your pet's fur, not only can they irritate your pet's skin, but they put your pet at risk of contracting these dangerous diseases. Consult your vet for medical prescriptions and your groomer for medicated shampoos to help keep pests at bay.

Stay off the Asphalt

Pavement and asphalt can become extremely hot in the summer, with the combination of hotter temperatures and stronger sun rays. Your pet's paws are at risk for burns on these hot surfaces, so when possible, keep your pet on the grass when you're out for walks. A good rule to follow: put your palm on the pavement to check the temperature; if you can't keep it there for more than five seconds, it's too hot for your pet. If you can't avoid walking on the pavement with your pup, try outfitting them with booties to protect their feet.

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