Dog Care & Safety
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Tips so Halloween will be less scary for your dog

Halloween is a fun time for humans, but not so much for dogs. They get freaked out by the doorbell, the costumes, and the candy. That’s why we at All American Pet Resorts want to help you make this Halloween a treat for your pup, not a trick. Here are three tips to keep your dog safe and happy on this spooky night.

Tip #1: Give your dog some peace and quiet Your dog doesn’t need to see every trick or treater that comes to your door. That can stress them out and make them bark like crazy. The best thing to do is to put your dog in a calm place where they won’t be bothered by the noise and the strangers. You can leave them in a different room with their favorite toys and some soothing music. You can also make sure they have their ID tag on in case they escape outside.

If you want to take your dog with you for some Halloween fun, make sure they are comfortable around crowds and other dogs. Some dogs may not like being around people in weird outfits and masks. They may get scared or aggressive. If you decide to bring your dog along, use a strong leash or harness and keep an eye on them around anyone or anything that might spook them.

Tip #2: Keep your dog away from candy and decorations Halloween is all about candy, but not for your dog. Candy can be very bad for your dog’s health, especially chocolate. Chocolate has a chemical called theobromine that can hurt your dog’s stomach and even kill them if they eat too much. Chocolate is hard for your dog to digest and can cause serious problems.

Other candies and gum can also be harmful for your dog. Some of them have a sweetener called xylitol that is toxic for pets. Xylitol can mess up your dog’s pancreas and cause diarrhea, vomiting, seizures, and even death. You may also find xylitol in some sugar-free or low-sugar foods and peanut butter. You should also keep the candy wrappers away from your dog. They can get stuck in your dog’s stomach and need surgery to remove them. If you think your dog ate something bad, call your vet or ASPCA Poison Control right away.

You should also be careful with your Halloween decorations. Some of them may look like toys to your dog, but they are not. They may be flammable or dangerous for your dog to chew on. You don’t want your dog to ruin your décor or hurt themselves.

Tip #3: Give your dog CBD to calm their nerves CBD is a natural way to help your dog relax on Halloween. CBD is a substance that works with your dog’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS). The ECS helps keep your dog’s body in balance, just like in humans. It affects your dog’s mood, appetite, sleep, pain, and more. CBD helps the ECS by working with Cannabinoid Type 1 Receptors and Cannabinoid Type 2 Receptors in your dog’s body. These receptors help control how your dog feels and reacts to things.

CBD can help your dog feel less anxious, stressed, or scared on Halloween. It can also help with pain, inflammation, seizures, and other health issues. CBD is safe and legal for pets, as long as it has less than 0.3% THC (the stuff that makes you high). You can give CBD to your dog in different forms, such as oil, treats, capsules, or topicals.

We hope these tips will help you and your dog have a happy Halloween! Remember to keep your pup in a calm environment, away from candy and decorations, and give them some CBD if they need it. Have fun and stay safe! 🎃

How All American Pet Resorts can help prepare you for this Halloween

Whether it be providing you with the most up to date dog education or helping you select the right products to alleviate your dog’s anxiety, all of us at The Dog Stop want to help make this Halloween the best and safest that we can. For more information on what to do to prepare for the upcoming holiday, find your  Resort with just one click.


“Halloween Safety Tips.” ASPCA, Accessed 10 Oct. 2023.

Raypole, Crystal. “Endocannabinoid System: A Simple Guide to How It Works.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 17 May 2019,

Robins, Mary. “What Is Xylitol? The Dangers of Eating Xylitol for Dogs.” American Kennel Club, American Kennel Club, 30 June 2023,

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